

AdClickXpress - Will It Ever End?

Friday, March 14, 2014

Seems like it has been nearly a year since I made a post about AdClickXpress. The last one dealt with AdClickXpress still continuing on with their operations. Even though, more and more members were being drained for their cash. It seems that those same members still stuck with the program and recruited more into the ailing system. 

While reading Blondie's Lounge earlier today. It became apparent to me that they either might start another "restart" of the program. This is bad news for those members that deposited more money to use only a small percentage of the cash already in the system. These members will never see a profit as they constantly will need to add more cash. I only hope that those members get out now and look into other opportunities.

One reason this has lasted is because of the leaders and ref hounds throughout the program. They are probably hundreds of members if not more that have massive downlines in AdClickXpress. Usually, they may get a withdraw or two before a long waiting period mainly off of ref commissions. The most famous back then was a guy name Alby Koster that made a video urging his team and others to reinvest back into the program. The result was another stall after a week and the program approaching another restart. All throughout this time they are reporting that they were paid and more people see it and want to sign up. Most of them not knowing that this program has been in the coffin for over a year and refuses to close the lid.

The sad part is the same thing has been happening over the past year. The program stalls and stops paying and then a restart happens. Leaders and other members encourage new deposits from their team. Then it slowly stalls and repeats the process over again. My only hope is that most of the members wise up and realize that it is game over.

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